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Crystals & Herb Energy Candles (12oz) - Soy Candles handmade - Aromatherapy Can

Crystals & Herb Energy Candles (12oz) - Soy Candles handmade - Aromatherapy Can

SKU: 550820815

Crystals & Herb Energy Candles (12oz) - Soy Candles handmade - Aromatherapy Candles - soy candle - Healing crystals and stones candles

Listing is for (1) 12oz Glass Candle Jar with lid made with all natural ingredients. Candle size is 3.5" height and ~3.25" wide

Ingredients include
- Essential Oils
- 100% natural eco-soy wax
- lead-free wicks
- homegrown organic herbs
- crystals from my shop to help set your intention.
- and of course love, light, and positive energy goes into every candle.

These candles will spread positive and loving energies throughout your home.

Root Chakra (The Muladhara) is located at the base of spine in tailbone area, this is where our sense of security lies. It is the center where we ground ourselves and Earth power resides. The root chakra is about your family, ancestors and cultural beliefs. It is related to our connection with prosperity and how we attract it into our life. Burn this candle to feel grounded and secure. Feel supported and able to manifest opportunities and abundance.​ Scent: Sage • Palo Santo • Cedarwood. Crystals: Garnet • Red Jasper • Black Tourmaline • Smoky Quartz

Sacral Chakra (The Svadisthana) is located in the lower abdomen, ~2" below the navel. It is the center of passion, creation, vulnerability and our relationships with other people. The emotions, fears and strengths associated with this chakra drive your behavior. When your sacral chakra is balanced, you have energy to create a business and artwork. You take risks, engage in balanced give-and-take relationships and express sensitivity or vulnerability. Scent: Orange • Cypress • Oakmoss. Crystals: Carnelian • Sunstone • Peach Moonstone

Solar Plexus Chakra (The Manipura) is your Power Center, just above your belly button. It is the center of motivation where we set our intentions and desires. When the power chakra is balanced, one achieves goals, is self-confident and has strong motivation and direction. It is associated with our physical center, personal power, desire, inner-strength, emotions, instincts, and “gut” feelings. Scent: Lemon • Rosemary • Verbena. Crystals: Citrine • Lemon Quartz • Pyrite • Tigers Eye • Rutilated Quartz

Heart Chakra (The Anahata) is located in the region of the physical heart (center of chest). It is the center of sympathy, empathy and love. When the heart chakra is balanced, one feels love and connection to self and others. Its the center of your spirit as well as the center of the chakras, making it a vital energy center for our spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. It is associated with love, compassion, safety, trust, adventure, self-compassion, forgiveness, and relationships. Scent: Neroli • Cardamom • Citrus. Crystals: Green Aventurine • Jade • Emerald • Bloodstone • Malachite

Throat Chakra (The Visudda) is located at the base of the throat (neck). This chakra corresponds with personal expression; the ability to listen effectively and communicate clearly through speech and the written word. When the throat chakra is balanced, one has inner trust, inner reliance and easily expresses their ideas and thoughts. Blue has a calming effect that allows us to connect to higher thought processes and express them. Scent: Mint • Chamomile • Lavender. Crystals: Blue Apatite • Aquamarine • Blue Apatite • Blue Kyanite

Third Eye Chakra (The Ajna) is located between and just above the physical eyes, in the center of the brows. The third-eye chakra is associated with the mind, ideas, thoughts, dreams, intuition and psychic abilities. It is centered upon intuition and intellect. It is also the center of imagination and balance. When the intuition chakra is balanced, one feels strong intuition, a connection to oneself and mentally fit. Scent: Lavender • Clary Sage • Juniper. Crystals: Iolite • Lapis Lazuli • Labradorite • Dumortierite

Crown Chakra is located at the very top of the head is our universal connection to beauty and spirituality. It is associated with God (or your particular belief system), spirituality, divine wisdom, enlightening, connection to the universe, imagination, awareness, and optimism. It is the center of connecting to something greater than oneself, and expressing wisdom and enlightenment. When the crown chakra is balanced, one feels strong, unclouded and joy for life. Scent: Frankincense • Myrrh • Patchouli. Crystals: Lepidolite • Amethyst • Rainbow Moonstone • Clear Quartz • Selenite

Unicorn Dreams: Unicorns are a symbol of miracles, purity, and magic. They have a distinct and powerful spiritual energy. Delve into their wondrous realm to reawaken your intuitive abilities, your innate wisdom, your unique gifts, your extraordinary courage, and your divine potential. Use this candle to help you discover the magic that lies within you. Experience greater joy, love, peace, and prosperity by welcoming unicorn energy into your world. Scent: Citrus • Sugared Orange • Agave. Crystals: Ametrine • Rose Quartz • Aquamarine • Citrine • Aura Quartz.

Mermaid Kiss: Mermaids have long been the luscious messengers between the world of the Ocean and the world of Humans. Loving, adventurous, kind, and daring, Mermaids can teach you ways to heal your past, love yourself more deeply, live authentically, embrace your creativity, and find your life purpose. Tap into Divine Feminine Energy, to enhances your ability to draw love into your life, raise your self-esteem, create sensual bliss, and glow with health and attractive vitality. Scent - Jasmine • Vanilla • Citrus

Enchanted Forest is a whimsical blend of both masculine and feminine energies, giving to the energy of connection. A boost of allure and attraction with a sensual atmosphere of warm earth grounding energies. (Grounding • Connection • Love) Scent: Citrus • Oakmoss • Amber • Sage

Love Spell: (Love • Attraction • Passion) Meditate with this candle to get a boost of allure and attraction to help bring in the attention of whom you seek - a pinch of self love to achieve your desired results. Promote romance by setting your intention into the candle, manifesting all forms of love, whether that be self love, requited love, or unconditional love. Scent: Citrus • Cherry Blossom • Vanilla

Serenity: (Lavender Chamomile) May my mind, heart, and soul reach a state of perfect serenity. May all my thoughts and actions reflect my pursuit of a peaceful and tranquil existence. Revive the spirit and reduce tension with this soothing blend. Made to ease grief and bring comfort, promoting calming & soothing energy. Helps to support those seeking aid in healing energy and stress relief. Great to calm nerves & reduce anxiety by promoting relaxation to get ready for sleep.

Stress Relief: (Lavender) These candles brings peace, joy and healing energies. Lavender is often associated with love, as well as for workings to bring calmness and peace. Burning a lavender scent during meditation can help you to relax, open your mind, and free yourself. Lavender is also a very protection herb that helps to ward off negative energies.

Healing Energy - Scents: Lavender • Ylang Ylang • Vetiver. Crystals: Amethyst • Green Aventurine • Clear Quartz . The chosen blend is meant to ease grief and bring comfort, promoting calming & soothing energy. Helps to support those seeking aid in healing energy.

Self Love - Scents: Vanilla • Sandalwood • Orange. Crystals: Rose Quartz, Pink Opal, Rhodochrosite, Amazonite. The chosen blend is meant to promote calming & soothing energy. Boost your confidence & self-esteem while achieving balance. Helps to support those seeking aid in self l

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