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Writer's pictureSarah Emerson

Top 10 Most Valuable Gemstones in the World

Looking for something special? Fine jewelry is a great place to start. From Tanzanite to Alexandrite, the world is full of precious gemstones that can add some sparkle to your life. Here are five of our favorite fine jewelry gemstones, along with some information about their origins, properties, and values.

10. Tanzanite - $1,200 per carat

Tanzanite is a beautiful gemstone that is only found in one location - the foothills of Mount Kilimanjaro in Northern Tanzania. At $1,200 per carat, it's currently a bargain in the world of fine jewelry, but its supply is dwindling, so its value is expected to rise significantly over the next ten years. Tanzanite has physical, emotional, and metaphysical benefits, including immune system boosting and stress reduction.

09. Black Opal - $9,500 per carat

Dark and mysterious, black opal is a unique gemstone that symbolizes individuality and is used in the beauty industry for its brilliance. Only found in the Lightning Ridge area of New South Wales in Australia, black opal is also believed to ward off negative vibes and radiate healing energies. It has a special connection to water signs and supports air signs in regaining balance.

08 . Red Beryl - $10,000 per carat

Red beryl is a rare gemstone that is commonly found with inclusions, but its fine examples can gain value quickly due to its scarcity. Only found in certain areas of Utah, New Mexico, and Northern Mexico, red beryl can bring kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and generosity to your life. It also has physical healing properties, particularly in the organs of elimination, circulatory and pulmonary systems.

07.Musgravite - $35,000 per carat

Musgravite is another rare gemstone that is only found in the Musgrave Ranges of South Australia. It has healing properties related to emotional balance, prosperity, and self-love, and can relieve stress and increase positivity. Musgravite is a symbol of joy and new beginnings and is associated with personal growth and balance.

06. Alexandrite - $70,000 per carat

Alexandrite is a unique gemstone that changes colors depending on the light and temperature. The majority of these fascinating gemstones are mined in Russia, but they have also been found in India, Sri Lanka, and Tanzania. Alexandrite is believed to bring balance between the physical and spiritual worlds, unlock the crown chakra, and boost creativity and emotional maturity.

Whether you're a fine jewelry collector or just looking for a special piece, these gemstones are sure to add some sparkle to your life.

5. Emerald

$305,000 per carat

Emeralds are some of the most popular gemstones in the world, and not only do they enchant women looking for fine gemstone jewelry but they have become a big favorite among men as well. Emeralds have been found all over the world, but most of the world's supply of this green stunner comes from Zambia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, and Columbia.

The problem with emeralds is that most have at least minor imperfection, so when a flawless natural emerald does come up for sale it can be sold for a mind-blowing price. Case in point; the Rockefeller Emerald. John D. Rockefeller purchased for his wife. Years after the death of the couple their son put it up for auction at Christie's, where it commanded $5.5 million, or $305,000 per carat.

Emerald is a precious stone that possesses various healing powers. Its emotional healing powers can soothe tempers and calm fears, bring mental clarity, and promote discernment and truth. Emerald energies can also protect the heart, regulate blood pressure, reduce inflammation, and prevent infections. It is a symbol of wealth and abundance and has been worn by kings and queens in their regalia throughout the course of civilization. It is also considered a stone of successful love, which brings emotional healing and vitality to romantic life. Emerald encourages us to become more patient, generous and loving without feeling depleted, bringing hope and encouragement to relationships experiencing challenging times.

04. Ruby—$1.18 million per carat

Rubies are stunningly beautiful but can range from pink to a deep dark red and are usually considered gemstones that represent passion and energy.

The most expensive ruby to ever come to auction is 'The Sunrise Ruby'. This 26-carat gem, which is close to being a perfect red, was mined in Myanmar and is named for a poem written by the 13th-century poet Rumi. At the auction, it fetched $30 million, an astonishing price for a ruby that has yet to be topped.

Ruby is a precious stone that promotes clear visualization, positive dreams, and dynamic leadership. It aids in the retention of finances and passion in relationships and helps to bring negative issues into the open where they can be dealt with productively. Ruby is a protective stone that keeps travelers safe, and it charges up passion and enthusiasm. It can help to overcome exhaustion and lethargy, while also calming hyperactivity. Rubies are highly prized all over the world due to their bright red color, which is associated with life force and death. Rubies can protect against boredom, inactivity, and exhaustion, and have an energizing quality that inspires and motivates. Rubies have an intense inner power that can give the strength to take risks and try new things while also being deeply sensitive and creative, helping to develop spirituality and protect feelings from injury.

3. Pink Diamond—$1.19 million per carat

All colored diamonds are rare, but the pink diamond is among the rarest of all and thanks to the fact that the world's primary source of pink diamonds, the Argyle Mine is Australia, is now depleted they are expected to become even rarer and even more valuable.

When flawless pink diamonds do make it to auction they routinely fetch great prices, often breaking the 1 million dollars per carat mark. The largest pink diamond that's graded flawless by the Gemological Institute of America is the 'Pink Star'. It weighs 59.60 carats and was most recently sold at Sotheby's Hong Kong for $71.2 million, or $1.19 million per carat.

Pink diamonds are mysterious as there is no evidence that trace elements are the cause of their color. Scientists theorize that color centers caused by lattice defects are responsible for the pink color. Pink diamonds are breathtakingly beautiful, and they are a wearable work of art that can make an unforgettable memory when given as an engagement ring. The rarity and uniqueness of pink diamonds make them a popular choice for engagement rings.

2. Jadeite

$3 million per carat

Of all the stunning gemstones in the jade family jadeite is considered the most vivid, the purest, and, as you might imagine, the rarest. It is found in several different colors, including red, yellow, and black, but green is the most common hue.

The most sought-after example of the legendary gemstone, which has been a part of Chinese lore since ancient times, is a semi-transparent green gemstone known as Imperial Jade.

In 2014 a necklace containing 27 beads of this precious gem, which was formerly owned by American heiress Barbara Hutton was offered at auction and attracted a slew of wealthy would be buyers. When the hammer fell, however, it was returned to its first home, Cartier, the company that had designed it, for $27.44 million.

Jadeite is a healing stone that can improve overall health by revitalizing and protecting the body. It can also bring luck, abundance, and creativity, making it a great stone for achieving financial goals. In relationships, it can help stabilize emotions and encourage emotional balance, promoting fidelity and unconditional love. It can heal broken relationships and give the confidence to go after what you want in love. Jadeite can enhance nurturing nature and bring energies of compassion and generosity to the relationship.

1. Blue Diamond

$3.93 million per carat

The stunning blue diamond is arguably the most prized of all precious gemstones. A flawless example is so rare that whenever one comes to auction it causes a huge stir in the jewelry world.

One fine example of this was the sale of the “The Oppenheimer Blue” in 2016. This stunning 14.62 fancy-colored diamond was sold by Christie's Geneva for $57.5 million, which breaks down to $3.93 million per carat. The diamond is a gemstone with a rich history of mythological and spiritual meaning, associated with concepts like success, perfection, fortitude, and balance of mind and soul.

Diamonds are also believed to have healing properties that can help to balance the energy of the body and promote mental and emotional stability. Blue diamonds, which are particularly rare and valuable, are believed to have formed at much greater depths than other diamonds and have acquired their color from boron in ocean water. While not a love stone, diamonds can help foster common interests and stability in relationships, as well as provide joy and positive energy to help overcome sadness and depression.


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