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How to provide Optimal Client Service

Updated: Mar 9, 2023

1) never use jargon.

It will create resentment.

2) Pause during the conversation.

It compensates for nerves and calms you down, creates an “empty space” inviting the client into conversation (feels good for the client) and the client has the power, and pausing allows the balance of power to shift to YOU.

3) Look for opportunities to advise the client AGAINST your interest.

This is the gold seal of credibility.

4) ask open-ended questions.

You want the client to talk. They’ll feel good about the meeting and you. 5) be positive and upbeat. Your problems are not for the client. Wrap that shit up.

6) be careful about mixing business and personal.

Keep the line clear between the two. Be smart. Work hard. That is why you’ll be hired. Not bc of extracurricular stuff like golf or alcohol or politics.

7) be humble.

When asking open-ended questions: applaud their story and be genuine about admiring the client's work.

8) the client is important.

Let them know that. Respond when they reach out. First impressions die hard. 9) take a position. You’re hired to give advice so stand by your beliefs.

10) control the meeting.

Don’t let others steer the discussion. Redirect sidetracks with “great question / great point, I’ll get to that shortly”

11) have an agenda.

Write things down. Share your agenda with the client. “I’d like to cover x, y, z, does that make sense?” The client is allowed to modify it. Write things down.

Other additional keys

1. Show respect for your customers.

Customers desire to feel recognized and valued. They don't like being ignored or spoken down to. Make sure you are respectful and use a kind and helpful tone when offering customer service.

2. Promptly offer aid.

Customers, in my experience, detest waiting. They frequently don't want to wait long for assistance and frequently want it now. Create a mechanism that enables clients to receive support fast. This could entail having a live person pick up the phone or having customer care employees who can respond to issues quickly.

3. Look for solutions that genuinely satisfy consumer wants.

Many clients detest waiting, but they also detest dealing with the same problem over. They desire solutions to their challenges that address their own demands.

When giving customer service, take the time to comprehend what the client is requesting and come up with a solution that suits their needs. Make every effort to effectively and promptly solve any issues to prevent the customer from needing to return.

4. Express yourself concisely and clearly.

Customers should not be misinformed about what is happening or what they should do. Make sure your message is concise and simple when offering client assistance. This entails speaking plainly and avoiding jargon.

5. Be truthful when something goes wrong.

Customers value sincerity. They want to know what went wrong, and they usually want businesses to be up-forward about it. Always be upfront and truthful with the customer when you encounter a problem.

6. Pay attention to customer satisfaction and a caring attitude.

Customers, I've discovered, like to believe that they are the only ones who matter and that firms genuinely care about them. Make sure you are paying attention to the needs of the particular customer and going above and above to meet those needs. By going above and above to assist the consumer, you can demonstrate your concern for their experience.

7. Keep a cheerful outlook.

Don't allow this to happen in your customer service since I believe that most of us can tell when someone is unhappy or doesn't want to be serving us. It's critical to have a positive outlook and demonstrate your enthusiasm for serving the client. They may feel more welcomed and valued as a result.

8. Share information about your company with your workforce.

Most people prefer to work with skilled professionals. Make sure your personnel is informed about the goods and services you provide. They will be able to promptly and effectively resolve client complaints as a result.

These are only a few of the most important elements in offering first-rate customer service. Make sure to concentrate on these crucial areas if you want to keep your clients happy and satisfied. You have a lot to think about when running a business, so try to make your customers' experience as stress-free and enjoyable as you can.


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